Monday, February 23, 2009

My Family Quilt

My family quilt was started
generations in the past.
Designed with love,
its pattern's rich
in values that will last.
Each person sews another square of memories that endure,
While challenges add strength
that makes our family life secure.
And stitching it together
threads of closeness,
warmth, and caring
Make it cozy and more comforting
with each year of sharing.

My Genealogy Quest is the reason I started scrapbooking in 2007. It has been the hardest challenge of all for me to accomplish. However, recently I began to confront my challenge and have enjoyed what I have began to create. I recently ran across this poem and decided it would be the beginning of my book. So, for the next few months I will begin to quilt my family tree for those I love the most and hope that one day when I'm gone they will look at what I've created and know that it was created with love and with the hope that they will cherish and continue the quilt for their children to come....

With all my love,


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